Packaging Systems
Our world-class lines consist of bespoke post-baking systems, tailor-made to meet the demands of our customers. Our post-baking systems ensure appropriate cooling, and handling of different types of biscuits before systematically transferring them for packing. Primarily there are four types of post-baking systems: Cooling Conveyors, Turn-Tables, Stackers, Packing Systems.
Cooling Conveyors
Cooling is a vital part of biscuit, cookie and cracker production, products especially hot cookies if transported directly to packing might result in significant moisturization. In order to allow biscuits & cookies to be handled efficiently and packed smoothly, cooling is done with the help of conveyor belts.
The primary purpose of stacking is to facilitate easier biscuit handling. It enables the products to leave the cooling conveyor and arrive in lanes one after another stacked up for hassle-free packaging. This segmentation reduces the packaging time and aids in efficient packing. Our lines come with both star wheel & penny-type of stackers for efficient biscuit handling.
Biscuit Handling & Packing System
Our high-performance packing system can be integrated with any of our production lines to ensure seamless packing of the final products before being shipped. The biscuit on-edge packing system comes equipped with tray denesting, product aligner, slug feeder and separator and a host of other advanced features including exchangeable side belts and chains. It is a one-stop modern and reliable solution for your biscuits, crackers & cookies packing and processing needs.